
In the marriage covenant, a man and woman form

an intimate communion of life and love with each other.

-Catechism of the Catholic Church

         O God, you have forged the covenant of marriage

         as a sweet yoke of harmony

         and an unbreakable bond of peace,

         so that the chaste and fruitful love of holy Matrimony

         may serve to increase the children you adopt as your own.

-Nuptial Mass

Receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony

at St. Gabriel the Archangel

Our marriage preparation ministry assists couples preparing to be married in the Catholic Church. Fr. Paul Haverstock and our marriage preparation team guide you from the start of the process through your wedding day. Give yourself plenty of time; it takes approximately 9-12 months to prepare to receive the Sacrament (a minimum of six months). Your preparation includes meeting with the pastor as well as with a mentor couple to discuss your relationship and to learn practical tools for a long and fruitful marriage. Engaged couples also attend a retreat, learn about natural family planning methods, meet with our Director of Sacred Music and Liturgy to plan your ceremony, and more.

Newly engaged couples initiate wedding preparation by: