Faith Formation (Grades 1-7) at St. Gabriel

Hello! My name is Andrew Allen  and I am the Director of Evangelization & Catechesis at St. Gabriel. Together with a core team of volunteer catechists, we offer ongoing formation for the children & youth of the parish.  

Please scroll down to view the details of our Wednesday evening Faith Formation classes that meet from 6:00-7:30 pm September to May. I look forward to walking with your family as we continue to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Please reach out to me with any questions at (; 952-540-4762. 


Elementary/Middle School Faith Formation

Grades 1-5 students follow a one-year cycle curriculum, with a focus on an authentic encounter with Christ through the narration of salvation history. 

Grade 6 students learn to love the moral law as Christ did and to cherish and love the Mass as our best prayer to God, and especially to revere and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Grade 7 students learn to treasure the sacraments as indispensable to a full Christian life of love and truth. To understand how grace works and its relation to practicing the virtues, and to appreciate our gifts of reason and faith.  

  • St. Gabriel's dedicated catechists use the Faith and Life curriculum from Ignatius Press to pass on the faith through knowledge of what we believe as Catholic disciples, how we live out our sacramental life in the Church, moral formation, and prayer. Faith and Life is in full conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 
  • Every unit integrates a variety of learning styles by using traditional classroom instruction/discussion, faith activities, role-play, memorization, religious art, and service projects. Sessions end with a large group prayer in the gym or church. 
  • In addition, St. Gabriel's faith formation hosts special fellowship/worship/education events and parish-wide gatherings (monthly family Emmaus nights, Advent and Lenten prayer opportunities, Eucharistic Adoration, and special Masses). 

Schedule & Location:

  • September through May
  • Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
  • Chesterton Academy


  • Eighth-grade students will prepare for the celebration of Confirmation in May at the Cathedral of St. Paul. Older youth who are not yet confirmed are invited to sign up as well. The candidates are guided through prayer, discernment, and a deeper conversion of the faith. The year includes fellowship, NET retreats, study of the faith, and diverse faith activities—designed to help our candidates approach Confirmation with the necessary faith, knowledge, desire and intent.

Schedule & Location:

  • September through May
  • Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
  • Convent

CALENDAR 2024-2025


St. Gabriel the Archangel is committed to ensuring the safety of all participants in our ministry programs.  All employees and volunteers who interact with minors are required to complete and maintain safe environment credentials through the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.  

To ensure successful completion of the requirements, follow the information below before creating your VIRTUS account.  If you have an existing VIRTUS account, contact Eric Duffert for assistance so your account can be updated prior to login.

TOTAL TIME COMMITMENT:  Approximately 95 minutes.

1.  Set aside sufficient time to complete all items without logging out.

Incomplete accounts may result in lost data, requiring you to repeat your setup.

2.  Read and follow the directions on the website in the order presented.  

Skipping items, fast-forwarding, or backing up may corrupt your account and require you to repeat your assignments.

You will:

a.  Complete each registration field as presented on the screen.

b.  Complete the Code of Conduct.

c.  Complete the Background Check application (SSN is required)

d.  Complete Safe Environment Training (1 module, approximately 75 minutes)

VIRTUS website:

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