A Listening Presence

Sometimes you just need someone to listen. BeFriender Ministers are parishioners who are trained to respond in the name of St. Gabriel to the emotional and spiritual needs of our members by bringing a caring, listening presence and a living reminder of God’s love. BeFriender Ministry may include visiting people who are homebound, those who are dying or grieving, or anyone experiencing difficult situations such as mental illness, family abuse and sudden or chronic illness. Contact the parish office to request a BeFriender.

Communion Visits

If you can't come to church, the church will come to you. Dedicated lay ministers visit those members who are homebound, bringing the Eucharist to those who are ill, recovering from a hospital stay, or who are unable to attend church for health reasons. They will also visit those at Methodist Hospital and in the local care centers. Contact the parish office to request a visit.

Anointing of the Sick

"Are there any who are sick among you? Let them send for the priests of the church, and let the priests pray over them, anointing them with oil." James 5:14. 

Contact the parish office (952-935-5536) to find out more about or request anointing. For sacramental emergencies that occur after hours, call the parish office and select the option for "Pastoral Emergencies" (#2).


The death of a loved one is a difficult and painful time. We are here to walk with you and to help plan the funeral and burial of your loved one. To request a funeral at St Gabriel’s, please email Deacon Darrel & Chris Branch, who oversee our funeral ministry. You may also call the parish office (952-935-5536).

"I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live."

-Jesus (John 11:25)

"For your faithful, Lord, life is changed, not ended; and when this earthly dwelling turns to dust, an eternal dwelling is made ready for them in Heaven." 

-Roman Missal, Preface for the Dead

St. Margaret's Cemetery

St. Margaret's Cemetery is located on the site of the former St. Margaret's Catholic Church, east of the intersection of Shady Oak Road and Bren Road in Minnetonka. Lots are available to parishioners of St. Gabriel the Archangel - contact Lori for more information. 

Mission Statement

Guidelines for Decorations

Plant Stand Rental Information

All plant stands at St. Margaret’s Cemetery must be rented from St. Gabriel the Archangel Church and are set out by the Cemetery Committee.

St. Margaret’s Cemetery Policies will be enforced. Stands, flowers & decorations not in compliance with policy rules & regulations will be removed.

The rental fee is $25 per season. The stand holds a 10” to 12” flower pot and the pot & flowers are your responsibility. Flowers not taken care of will be disposed. Depending on weather and our volunteers’ time, plant stands will be put in by Memorial Day weekend. Flowers must be removed by Oct 1.

Plant Stand Rental letters are mailed out in early Spring. 

If you would like to receive this letter, contact Lori Thul at the parish office (952-935-5536).

Infertility Support Group

“In His Time” is a support group for Catholic couples who are struggling with infertility. The group provides a supportive environment for Catholics who follow the teaching of the church on infertility. It allows couples to share their experience with others who are on a similar journey.

In His Time meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (except Dec) from 7-8pm at St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Interlachen Campus.

The group is run by Deacon Darrel & Chris Branch.