The Discovering Christ encounter series will be offered each Fall for those seeking answers to life's big questions of meaning, purpose, and faith regardless of religious background. Discovering Christ is for anyone who is curious. Enjoy a free quality dinner and listen to a thought-provoking talk that is designed to explore the meaning and purpose of your life. After the talk, you can share your thoughts in a small group (and talk as much or as little as your wish). It's all done in a warm, friendly, and judgement-free environment. 

Already participated in Discovering Christ? Come back to serve!

Thinking about becoming Catholic? The process begins with Discovering Christ. 

The next series begins in September 2025

Contact Andrew Allen at 952-540-4762 or for more information.

Following Christ

Are you wanting to grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus? Are you looking for support and guidance in applying some of the basic disciplines and truths that have been practiced by Christians from the time of the early Church?

Following Christ is for anyone who is looking to grow in Catholic discipleship! Come and listen to a thought-provoking talk from the Christ-life presenters that is designed to help you grow in your prayer life, sacramental living, hearing God in Scripture, forgiving one another, overcoming sin, and many other areas of the faith. After the video presentation, you can share your thoughts in a prayerful and supportive small group, and receive encouragement to live what you learned during the week. 

Continental breakfast/light fare and coffee provided.

More info? Contact Andrew Allen at, or 952-540-4762

Sharing Christ

Do you have the desire to share your faith with others but lack the confidence? Are you looking for support and guidance in applying some practical tips and methods to evangelize?

Sharing Christ is a seven-week course to train Catholics to share Jesus with others and invite them to become active members of the Church. The course focuses on personal or friendship evangelization, and how we share our relationship with Jesus with people in our day-to-day encounters. We will develop methods and actions to do this. But more than that, the goal is to develop an attitude of heart that moves us to be open to share the Good News we have experienced anytime and anywhere.


We're pleased to offer FORMED, an online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios and ebooks On Demand anytime, anywhere! As a member, you will have access to entertaining movies, inspiring audio talks, informative bible studies, and much more.

We are providing this resource free of charge to help our members learn and grow in their faith. You will also be able to easily access any featured content the we are promoting within our community from time to time. So please join us. Also once you have signed up, don’t forget to download the free iOS or Android app to put FORMED at your fingertips.  

We hope you will enjoy this incredible gift and please spread the word to others. To sign up for FREE, just visit us here:

Lenten Series: Learning to Love the Mass

If you were unable to attend in person, we posted the audio recordings of each talk below!

Session 5 - Holy Week: Silence, Memory, and the Greatest Story Ever Told (Andrew Allen)