Parish Renovation Updates


The 2024 Annual Report was recently mailed out to all registered parishioners. You can view the document here:

English version

Versión en español

Welcome to the Newly Renovated Social Hall

January 12, 2025

My name is Romaine Bechir, Committee Chair for the Social Hall renovation team. A group of volunteers started meeting in May 2024, and renovation began in July. Our team consisted of several dedicated volunteers and Langer Construction as our contractor. The final results could not have been accomplished without our volunteers and Langer Construction working so well together. What started as a minor project turned into a more involved renovation.... 

Click HERE to see the rest of the article. 

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Presentation on Renovation Plans - June 6, 2024

The powerpoint presentation from the renovation meeting on June 6 can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

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Interlachen campus sold - March 27, 2024

On Holy Wednesday we completed the sale of the Interlachen campus. A non-denominational Christian community named Kingdom Embassy is now the proud owner of our former church and school. Praise God! Please pray that God will bless our new neighbors.


Last Spring, we presented a proposal for renovating this campus, including this church and our offices in the adjoining building. Those plans will need to be reevaluated in light of the increased cost of construction and other needs that have been identified. I look forward to sharing an updated plan with you in the coming months.

Venta de Interlachen - 27 de Marzo, 2024

Por si te perdiste la noticia, el Miércoles Santo completamos la venta del campus de Interlachen. Una comunidad cristiana no denominacional llamada Kingdom Embassy es ahora la orgullosa propietaria de nuestra antigua iglesia y escuela. ¡Alabado sea el Señor! Por favor oren para que Dios bendiga a nuestros nuevos vecinos.


La primavera pasada presentamos una propuesta para renovar este campus, incluida esta iglesia y nuestras oficinas en el edificio contiguo. Será necesario reevaluar esos planes a la luz del aumento del costo de construcción y otras necesidades identificadas. Espero poder compartir un plan actualizado con usted en los próximos meses.



The 2023 Annual Report can be viewed HERE.