Financial Stewardship

Jesus said, “Store up for yourselves treasure in Heaven, where moth and rust cannot destroy.” (Matthew 6:20) Disciples of Jesus financially support their church as an act of worship. Giving God part of our treasure shows that our trust in Him is not only spiritual but practical and sacrificial. 

Thank you for supporting God’s work at St. Gabriel’s!


To set up or modify regular electronic giving, or to make a one-time gift, click on the button below.

2025 Catholic Services Appeal

The 2025 Catholic Services Appeal is here! This year’s theme is Giving is Faith in Action. Please consider how you can support this year’s Appeal, which focuses support in 4 overarching areas: Educating in faith, Helping those in need, Faith formation, Respect for Life.

Our goal as a parish this year is $41,228. 60% of the funds raised above and beyond that goal will be returned to our parish.

If you didn’t receive an Appeal mailing, donation envelopes will soon be available at church entrances. You can also learn more and give online at

Thank you for your support!